
May 24, 2019

Bike Share in a Box

Applications due: ongoing
Application details: see below

In partnership with Thrive Allen County, the Health Fund is excited to offer a special opportunity for Healthy Congregations churches to work with their rural communities to establish a free bike share program supporting active living and transportation. View a webinar about this opportunity below – slides available for download here.

Webinar recording detailing the Bike Share in a Box opportunity for Healthy Congregations.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be signed up as a Healthy Congregations church
  • A lead individual to work on the Bike in a Box program, along with a team or coalition to assist in making this program a success for the long term.
  • A location for the bike share program with an ability to assist bike share users with checking in and checking out bikes, answering questions, etc.
  • Ideas or connections to possible bike repair volunteers or a local bike store that can help maintain the bikes.
  • Enthusiasm, excitement and the understanding that every community is different and unique, meaning every community’s bike share program will operate slightly differently. Flexibility and openness are key!

Questions and Application

If you have questions and/or would like to discuss applying for one of the Bike Share in a Box grants, please contact Patrick Zirjacks at

If you have questions about the Healthy Congregations program, please contact Dashinika Poindexter: / 620-662-8586.

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