About Healthy Congregations: Local churches play a major role in shaping each community's culture, values, and sense of place. Healthy Congregations engages Great Plains United Methodist churches in projects to improve spiritual, physical, social, and emotional health in their congregations and communities.

What is Healthy Congregations?
The Healthy Congregations program provides training, resources, and financial support to Great Plains United Methodist churches committed to improving congregational and community health.
More Information
Join Healthy Congregations
Interested in joining a network of United Methodist Congregations who are making a difference in the health of their community? We’re here to help you get started!
Program benefits:
• $1,000 grant upon sign up (renewable each year)
• A statewide network of congregations doing similar work
• Access to evidence-based programming to bring positive change to the health and wellness of your community and congregation
•Consultation from the staff at the Health Fund
Program requirements:
• Must be a Great Plains Conference United Methodist Congregation
•Teams need to have at least three participants
• Participation in trainings, conference calls, and programming
• Completion of the Healthy Congregations Needs Assessment Tool
Program Signup Form:
Click here for full details and the signup form.
Healthy Congregations Retreat
Registration is open - reserve your space today and join us in Salina, KS Thursday, April 10 and Friday, April 11 for the 2025 Healthy Congregations Retreat.

Healthy Congregations Certification Training
Certification training of at least three team members is required for renewal funding in the Healthy Congregations program. The training is open to all Great Plains United Methodists. Starting February 2021, certification training is done via a self-paced online format:
- View the first video module, Healthy Congregations Program, online (available below)
- Initial check-in (less than 30 minutes) during any Virtual Office Hours session with Judy Johnston
- View 3 more videos and complete online exercises at your own pace
- Certification check-in (less than 30 minutes) during any Virtual Office Hours session with Judy Johnston
- Receive certification credit and a certificate of completion
To get started, go to the Healthy Congregations training platform at https://healthfund.org/hctrain. View the first video (also available below), then join Judy during any Virtual Office Hours session to learn more and go over next steps. We hope the new training format will save you time and allow for additional members to participate on your team due to increased scheduling flexibility.