Pioneers in Health

Welcome to the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund podcast, Pioneers in Health. With each episode we’ll share the inspiring stories of pioneering leaders working to improve health. We’ll bring you guests from our state, from our nation and from your backyard to tell their stories of how they broke new ground and changed the landscape of health care. 


You can look forward to hearing from community and state leaders, policy makers, advocates, and researchers working on innovative efforts to improve health. Every podcast you’ll hear from David Jordan, the president and CEO of the Health Fund, who brings perspective and a rich background with building community and leading advocacy in health care. He will lead you through thought-provoking interviews and inspiring conversations with our guests. 

The United Methodist Health Ministry Fund is a statewide health foundation dedicated to improving the health and wholeness of all Kansans—especially those in rural and under-served communities. Leveraging our strengths by convening, partnering, providing hands-on expertise, strengthening policies and systems, and focusing on sustainability, we advance innovative solutions to improve Kansans’ health for generations to come. To maximize our impact, we focus on three strategic areas: Access to Care, Thriving Children, and Engaged Congregations and Communities

We view health as more than health care. We know that health depends on things beyond your individual control – including the conditions in your community, the schools in your neighborhood, the availability of healthful food and good jobs, and whether you have health providers and hospitals close to you. These are factors we can change together, and as part of this podcast we’ll bring you stories of pioneers who led important changes to improve health.

Through this podcast, we aim to bring you news and educate you, our listeners, on ways you can promote better health in your lives and in your communities. We hope the voices and perspectives you find here will encourage you to take bold action. 

We encourage you to subscribe so you’ll always be up-to-date with the latest episodes. If you ever have questions for us, we invite you to get in touch.

© United Methodist Health Ministry Fund