Medicaid Expansion Event Interest Form

Expanding KanCare, Kansas’ Medicaid program, is critical to lowering health care costs in Kansas, reducing medical debt, protecting rural hospitals in danger of closing, and growing our workforce to ensure our communities can continue to thrive. Expanding Medicaid is not a partisan issue – nearly 80% of Kansans support Medicaid expanson – it is a common-sense policy solution that will benefit all Kansans and improve the state’s finances.

If you are interested in participating in a faith and Medicaid expansion event later this year, please fill out the interest form below. We will follow up with details as they become available. If you have questions, please reach out to Jennifer Ellis or David Jordan,

To learn more and take action to expand Medicaid, we encourage you to engage with our partners at the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas.

Medicaid Expansion Event Interest Form MCi
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