
Learn more about things happening at the Health Fund, and in our areas of focus

Statement on 2024 KanCare Expansion Proposal

“Expanding Medicaid will bring down health care costs for all Kansans. Most importantly, it will provide health coverage to 150,000 Kansans who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little get subsidized coverage on the health care marketplace. Expanding Medicaid will protect Kansas hospitals, create jobs, and strengthen our communities. We applaud Governor Kelly for her continued commitment and tireless work to expand Medicaid. Failure to expand Medicaid has resulted in Kansas losing nearly $7 billion. It’s time to expand Medicaid.

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ABC Training Opportunity

The Health Fund is funding an opportunity for Kansas home visitors to become trained and rostered in the provision of Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) at no cost. The trainings will be held virtually in 2024. Social-emotional development in young children is a critical factor related to later life outcomes such as school success, social …

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High Speed Broadband Access: A Super Determinant of Health

At the Health Fund, we support programs and measures that help to end the gap in access for Kansans and are excited to support Governor Kelly’s Kansas Digital Equity Plan which seeks to boost broadband access throughout Kansas. Recently, we offered supportive public comments to the Kansas Office of Broadband Development. To read our comments …

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Community Conversations on Rural Health Care and Medicaid Expansion

Join us at a regional rally featuring Kansas health resources and conversations on the future of health care in our communities. Each rally will include: A strong health system is critical to the future of rural Kansas communities. As Kansas and health care changes, and more Kansans become uninsured, our health systems and communities face …

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Digital Inclusion is Vital to a Healthy Kansas

Access to high-speed internet isn’t a luxury. It is a necessity. Being connected impacts personal and community health, economic opportunity and well-being. It is a means to providing enhanced personal and societal well-being and accessing good jobs that rely on digital tools. Online connectivity is critical to Kansans ability to access human services such as …

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Access to high-quality child care is necessary for Kansas children and our economy to be able to thrive. 

Child care providers in Kansas are struggling to keep their doors open while parents struggle to find affordable, safe, high-quality care, which is why it is important that the Legislature is examining this problem this fall. The Special Committee on Child Care Centers and Child Care Homes is holding their first meeting next Tuesday, September 26, at the …

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KanCare Expansion – Healthy Workers, Healthy Economy

On September 20th, Governor Kelly announced at a live press conference in Winfield that expanding KanCare will be her number one priority for the upcoming legislative session, and that she will be embarking on a statewide tour called “Healthy Workers, Healthy Economy.” At the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, expanding Medicaid remains a top priority …

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Nomination form – Kim Moore Visionary Leadership Award

In 2017, the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund Board of Directors voted to honor the organization’s founding president with the establishment of the Kim Moore Award for Visionary Leadership. Each year, the Fund solicits nominations in a chosen strategic field of work and honors one individual whose leadership has had a positive effect on the …

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August is National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding month, which gives us an opportunity to celebrate the work being done in our state and through the great partnerships we have with so many organizations. For over a decade, we have supported breastfeeding initiatives because breastfeeding means healthier moms and babies. Doing all that we can to support efforts that …

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As for Me and My Body

Candice McField is the founder of Candice McField Fitness and As for Me and My Body. She is a certified health coach, fitness educator and serves on the Kansas Governor’s Council on Fitness.  McField is passionate about teaching wellness solutions that help her clients strengthen their relationship with Christ and instruct clients on practical ways …

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© United Methodist Health Ministry Fund