Candice McField is the founder of Candice McField Fitness and As for Me and My Body. She is a certified health coach, fitness educator and serves on the Kansas Governor’s Council on Fitness. McField is passionate about teaching wellness solutions that help her clients strengthen their relationship with Christ and instruct clients on practical ways to keep their bodies mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy.
In her book, As for Me and My Body, McField invites churches to connect their spiritual and physical health to come to a deeper understanding that taking care of the body is an act of serving God. By incorporating relevant scripture, McField challenges readers to evaluate the body, mind, and spirit through professional insight, scriptural portions, and personal stories that are encouraging and easy for anyone to understand. McField guides clients through a personal, life-changing quest that will enable faith leaders to:
• Strengthen their relationship with Christ
• Increase joy, happiness, energy, and hope
• Stop dieting and live a healthy lifestyle
• Conquer health and fitness goals
The Health Fund has partnered with McField to lead groups of 20 Healthy Congregations members through the book over five weeks. Weekly discussions are Tuesdays at noon from January 9-February 2.
You are welcome to sign up as an individual or as a Healthy Congregations team, but each member should sign up individually.
The deadline to RSVP is December 28 or until filled. Each participant must complete a pre- and post-survey, and should commit to participating in all five sessions. The RSVP form is below.
As for Me and My Body details
Participants receive:
-copy of the book
-5 virtual coaching sessions
To participate, individuals must:
-complete a pre- and post-survey
Session Dates:
Noon to 1 PM on Tuesdays 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, and 2/6
Open until filled.
Dashinika Poindexter,
All registration spaces for the 2024 As for Me and My Body have been filled. Thank you for your interest. Please contact Dashinika Poindexter, if you would like to be placed on a waiting list.
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