Tag: Kansas Commission on Racial Equity and Justice

Diversifying the teacher workforce will benefit Kansas students

This commentary originally ran in the Kansas Reflector on August 30, 2022. About the authors: Dr. Tiffany Anderson, superintendent of Topeka USD 501, and Dr. Shannon Portillo, associate dean and professor at the University of Kansas, served as co-chairs of the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice; David Jordan, president and CEO of the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, chaired the subcommittee on health care.

All Kansas kids deserve a high-quality education.

The Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice examined how we can ensure greater equity in educational opportunities to set families up for success. Our work found that a culturally competent and diverse teaching workforce is a critical component in addressing equity in education and providing a high-quality education.

We have a significant racial and ethnic disparity in teacher diversity. In Kansas, 90% of public school teachers are white and non-Hispanic. As of 2020, just 66% of Kansas children under 18 are white and non-Hispanic.

Over the past 20 years, the Kansas population has grown more diverse, and that trend is expected to continue. In 2016, non-Hispanic whites made up 77.5% of the state population, a more than 6 percentage point dip compared with 2000. In fact, all population growth in that time was among minority populations. In the next 40 years, it’s predicted that Kansas will become a majority, minority state, meaning no group will make up more than 50% of the population.

As the demographics of Kansas change and become more diverse, it is more important than ever that our teacher diversity reflect the communities served, which is why the commission’s final report included recommendations for recruiting and retaining a diverse teacher workforce.

When students have teachers who look like them, it can increase their chances of succeeding academically. According to one longitudinal study, Black students who had at least one Black teacher in grades K-3 were 13% more likely to graduate from high school than their same-school, same-race peers.

Exposure to other backgrounds and cultures prepares students to live, work and serve in a culturally diverse society. Diversifying classrooms benefits students cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

According to a report by the United States Department of Education: “Diversity decreases at multiple points across the teacher pipeline in which teachers progress though postsecondary education, teacher preparation programs, and retention.” The report showed that nationally there’s less diversity among college graduates than high school graduates, most education majors are white, and degree completion is lower for Black and Hispanic students.

We need to change our approach to teacher education and retention if we want the benefits of a more diverse teacher workforce.

We can look to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) for ideas on how to attract education majors of color; although HBCUs comprise 3% of four-year colleges, their graduates include half of Black public school teachers.

Teachers of color often join the workforce through nontraditional routes. However, traditional student teaching programs require candidates to teach full days in schools for months without pay, which creates an economic hardship when a student also works while student teaching or has caregiving responsibilities.

To improve recruitment, we should increase flexibility in student teaching programs for nontraditional students who must work and student teach. This could include approaches such as updating student teaching models or providing work-study assistance to student teachers. We should ensure that policies at higher education institutions can be adapted for education students who have outside jobs, families or limited financial resources.

Kansas should encourage expansion of grow-your-own teacher programs that recruit and train school staff or community members to become educators. Recruitment from our own communities will ensure that local educators reflect their community’s diversity within schools, while also hiring individuals who have a deep understanding of local neighborhoods. School districts should incentivize teachers and staff to live in the district.

We should ensure that school districts that have greater needs receive equitable resources. Kansas should examine options to assist districts with large numbers of at-risk populations as measured by race, ethnicity and economics. Reducing class sizes, providing mentors to new teachers, fully funding special education and providing social-emotional staffing support to these districts could improve students’ classroom experience and teacher retention.

Every child deserves a learning environment where they feel welcome. School districts should create clear policies that address diversity, equity, and inclusion to support and protect diversity among students, teachers and staff.

To encourage greater diversity in our teacher workforce, we must be intentional. Let your school board, legislators and the Kansas Board of Regents know these issues are important to you and encourage them to act.

About this series

In June 2020, Gov. Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-48, forming the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice. The Commission studied issues of racial equity and justice across systems in Kansas, focusing first on policing and law enforcement and then on economic systems, education, and health care. The Commission developed recommendations for state agencies, the Legislature, and local governments. Through the end of 2022, commissioners will dig deeper into the recommendations in a monthly series.

Related resources

Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice reports
Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice webinar series
2022 opinion series on commission recommendations

Improving Racial Equity in Kansas

A Three-Part Series Examining the Commission on Racial Equity and Justice’s Final Recommendations

Following months of discussions with community members and stakeholders, the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice developed recommendations to address racial equity in Kansas by focusing on social determinants of health, particularly looking at factors that influence the economic, educational, and health outcomes of our citizens.

The Commission’s recommendations address items that may take place on the state/agency, legislative, and/or local level. Each webinar in this series explores recommendations applicable at a specific level of government.

Examining CREJ Legislative Recommendations

This webinar details the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice’s final recommendations for legislative changes that would influence the economic, educational, and health outcomes of our citizens.

View the slides from the legislative level webinar.

Examining CREJ Local Government Recommendations

This webinar details the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice’s final recommendations for local government changes that would influence the economic, educational, and health outcomes of our citizens.

View the slides from the local level webinar. This webinar was co-sponsored by the Kansas Association of Counties, League of Kansas Municipalities, and the KU School of Public Affairs and Administration.

Examining CREJ State and Agency Recommendations

This webinar details the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice’s final recommendations for state and agency changes that would influence the economic, educational, and health outcomes of our citizens.

View slides from the state and agency level webinar. This webinar was co-sponsored by the KU School of Public Affairs and Administration.

Kansas criminal justice recommendations

How Kansans can address racial equity in their criminal justice system: examining recommendations from the governor’s commission

This commentary originally ran in the Kansas Reflector on March 8, 2022. About the authors: Dr. Tiffany Anderson, superintendent of Topeka USD 501, and Dr. Shannon Portillo, associate dean and professor at the University of Kansas, served as co-chairs of the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice; David Jordan, president and CEO of the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, chaired the subcommittee on healthcare.

In the summer of 2020, amidst national calls for racial justice and criminal justice reform, Gov. Laura Kelly established the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice.

She brought together 15 Kansans with expertise in law enforcement, education, health advocacy, local and state government, policy, philanthropy, and community organizing.

Given the historic need to review justice-related issues in Kansas, the commission started its work by examining law enforcement and the criminal legal system to identify opportunities to address inequities in Kansas’ system. We also sought to understand how to address systemic issues that affect education attainment, economic opportunity and health. The commission met every other week, hosted learning sessions with relevant professional associations and experts, and held community listening sessions.

The commission issued its first of three reports in December 2020. These recommendations addressing criminal justice aim to prevent disproportionate contact with law enforcement for communities of color and decrease inequities in justice outcomes.

Some recommendations related to law enforcement hiring and training were included in Senate Bill 247, which was introduced in 2021 in Senate Judiciary. This includes prohibiting fired officers from being hired at different law enforcement agencies; mandating review of records during the hiring process; requiring psychological testing of officers be performed by a licensed professional before certification (current standards require psychological tests before certification, but not by an independent, licensed professional); and requiring that officers have completed KLETC training before they are issued a firearm for use in the line of duty. We must engage with our legislators and advocate for this legislation.

Kansas law is more restrictive than military eligibility requirements, prohibiting law enforcement agencies from hiring noncitizens with legal status as officers. Aligning law enforcement eligibility with military eligibility would support hiring goals for agencies and engage immigrant populations to better reflect Kansas’ population.

Law enforcement and leaders agree that access to behavioral health care is a criminal justice issue. It’s estimated that nationally 44% of jail inmates and 37% of prisoners have a mental illness, compared with 18% of the general population. Many law enforcement encounters are the result of substance use or mental health issues, and they cause county jails and prisons to become de facto behavioral health service providers. Increasing access to early intervention options by expanding Medicaid in Kansas would improve policing outcomes and reduce state general fund spending on law enforcement and behavioral health.

Financing mobile crisis response models would provide crucial support to law enforcement in responding to behavioral health calls. Mental health professionals who work alongside law enforcement officers, or respond to mental health calls on their own, can contribute to positive outcomes and promote treatment over incarceration for individuals experiencing mental health crises.

The Johnson County co-responder program boasts positive outcomes — the rate of hospitalization fell dramatically, and the percentage of police calls that ended up in jail fell slightly. Kansas and local communities should implement appropriate co-responder and mental health crisis programs where possible.

More than 85% of Kansans facing a felony charge rely on appointed counsel. We must do more to support the Kansas Board of Indigent Defense Services and expand public defender offices to our largest counties. BIDS recently voted to expand offices in Wyandotte and Douglas Counties. To better serve residents throughout Kansas, BIDS is asking the Legislature for increased funding to open these offices, increase public defenders’ pay throughout Kansas and provide better training for their attorneys. Data demonstrate supporting BIDS offices in Douglas and Wyandotte Counties will save money.

We will not rid the justice system of inequities immediately, so we must ensure Kansans know how to report racial and bias-based policing, and we must have systems that take these reports seriously. In 2011, racial and bias-based policing policies were updated in statute. The commission recommended that the Legislature review the policies to determine if they are serving their intended purpose. The Legislature should address the process for filing a complaint of racial or bias-based policing, what entity is most appropriate to manage the process, and the availability of data related to such complaints and responsive action taken.

There are more than 50 other recommendations in the Commission’s first report. A few recommendations are making their way into legislation, but we must continue to push for them at the statehouse, in local governments and in administrative agencies. For more recommendations to become reality, we urge you to let your legislators and local governmental bodies know that these issues matter and encourage them to act.

About the series

In June 2020, Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-48, forming the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice. The Commission studied issues of racial equity and justice across systems in Kansas, focusing first on policing and law enforcement and then on economic systems, education, and health care. The Commission developed recommendations for state agencies, the Legislature, and local governments. Through the end of 2022, Commissioners will dig deeper into the Commission’s recommendations in a monthly series.

Related resources

Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice reports
Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice webinar series
2022 opinion series on commission recommendations

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