
June 30, 2023

Preventing coverage loss through the Medicaid renewal process – Resource Page

In the Spring of 2023, Kansas resumed the Medicaid renewal process for the first time in three years. To prevent unnecessary coverage disenrollments, we are working with our partner organizations to spread the word and doing what we can to help enrollees navigate the process. Below is background on the process and resources available to partners.


The state’s KanCare program provides health coverage to approximately 400,000 Kansans, including children, low-income parents, and Kansans with disabilities. Ensuring Kansans have access to health care, especially our most vulnerable means a better Kansas for everyone.

Due to COVID-19, KanCare has been operating under special rules under a public health emergency declaration. As this has expired, Medicaid is returning to the practice of annual renewals. The success of this process is dependent on clear communication between KanCare and its enrollees.

During the public health emergency, KanCare also allowed for broader qualifications to receive coverage. As renewals come up for enrollees, eligibility will also be considered under the current regulations. This means it is even more important to ensure correct contact information with KanCare. With this in mind, we want to offer resources that can facilitate outgoing communications for our partners. 

KanCare will use the information they have on file to decide if Medicaid family member(s) still qualify for Medicaid or CHIP coverage. If KanCare needs more information to make a coverage decision, they will send renewal letters in the mail based on the customer information they have. Enrollees are highly encouraged to keep a close eye on their mailbox, especially during their renewal month which is the same month in which coverage began.


Resources and tools are available both for service providers and enrollees. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have and direct you to the best information source available. Below are a few helpful links.

Community Care of Network of Kansas offers a thorough toolbox for you and your organization to help spread the word.

Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC), a national nonprofit organization, works to ensure that schools can provide students with healthy environments, nutritious food, health services and opportunities for physical activity.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to the health of all children and the pediatric professionals who care for them.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment and KanCare offer a toolbox available to the public. It can be accessed here.

To visit the KanCare website directly and check enrollee status, follow the link and click the red chat bubble.

For those that lose their coverage due to a change in eligibility, they can apply for coverage through the Health Care Marketplace.

To read the latest on what’s happening in Kansas, you can read this article from Topeka’s Capital Journal, here.

Medicaid Renewal Kansas Helper Network – offers a fantastic hub of a number of resources for providers, agencies, organizations and enrollees.


“Medicaid Renewals 101” – July 12, 2023

This is the first installment of our two-part webinar series covering Medicaid Renewals in Kansas. We cover the nuts and bolts of the renewal process and present resources you can use to best serve your communities and clients throughout this process.

Medicaid Renewals in Kansas Webinar Part One “On the Ground”

This is the second installment of our two-part webinar series covering Medicaid Renewals in Kansas. We take a closer look at tips and tricks to help you navigate this process. We hear from community leaders in Kansas about their successes and some of the challenges they have faced.

Medicaid Renewals in Kansas Webinar for Faith Communities

This installment of our webinar series covering Medicaid Renewals in Kansas speaks directly to faith communities. We take a closer look at ways faith communities can assist folks through this process. We cover background information on the Medicaid renewal process and resources available.

Resources for Faith Communities

CMS toolkit for faith-based communities

Sermon Guides – Let the Little Children – Week 2

Church Bulletin

Social Media Tiles

American Cancer Society Toolkit

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